Easy Slider

    Slideshow Elements

    The Easy Slideshow element allows you to setup a simple slideshow within seconds, either at the top of your page, stretching across the whole viewport, or as a content element anywhere on the page.

    You can choose between fade and slide transition, duration of slide interval and position.  You can add any number of slideshows you want to a page

    Fade Slider

    As you can see you can either set the slide animation to fade or to slide.
    You can also manually choose the slideshow image size from a predefined array of sizes that work well with the theme

    Again, any number of sliders possible

      La Locanda Ticinese rimarrà CHIUSA PER FERIE dal 31 Luglio  fino al 26 Agosto.

      Saremo regolarmente APERTI dal 27 Agosto all'ora di pranzo.

      Grazie a tutti e BUONE VACANZE!